Monday 20 February 2023

The rise of renewables is not without risk for investors

Introduction In recent years, the urgency to combat climate change and abandon the use of fossil fuels has become more and more evident. Fortunately, the development of renewable energies has provided a clean and sustainable way forward. Now, with the growth of renewable energies throughout the world, they are slowly but surely becoming the primary source of energy. In 2020, renewable energies accounted for 19.1% of gross final energy consumption in France, whereas in the United Kingdom, renewable energies now account for a staggering 43% of the total energy consumed. Reasons for the growth of renewable energies The growth of renewable energies is due to a combination of factors. The increasing awareness of the damage caused by the use of fossil fuels has made the general population more inclined to choose a more sustainable form of energy. Additionally, the destabilization of the energy markets and the rise of energy prices has made renewable energies even more attractive to consumers as they tend to be cheaper in the long-term. Scientists and policy makers have also played a key role in the development of renewable energy sources, as many countries are now offering incentives and subsidies to increase the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar and hydroelectric power. Advantages of renewable energies There are many advantages of using renewable energy sources over conventional energy sources. Renewable energies are generally more affordable in comparison to conventional energy sources, due to the fact that they do not require any additional costs such as fuel and transportation. Additionally, renewable energies are not only cheaper, but they also produce zero emissions, making them much more environmentally friendly. Furthermore, renewable energy sources are also sustainable and unlikely to run out, as they are powered by natural sources such as wind, sun and water. Disadvantages of renewable energies Although renewable energies are preferable to conventional energy sources in most cases, they do have some drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages of renewable energy sources is that they are not as reliable as conventional sources, as the source of power (e.g. sun or wind) may be unable to supply a constant stream of energy. Furthermore, the costs associated with the installation of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines, can sometimes be quite expensive. Finally, it is also important to note that renewable energy sources could sometimes lead to disruption of nature, such as the habitat destruction caused by the construction of hydroelectric dams. Conclusion Overall, renewable energies have a bright future, due a combination of factors, including the increasing awareness of the damaging effects of fossil fuels, the destabilization of the energy markets, and the incentives and subsidies offered by countries to promote the use of renewable energy sources. With these factors in mind, it is clear that renewable energies are not only a viable alternative source of energy, but also one that is cheaper, more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Nonetheless, it is important to consider the various disadvantages of renewable energy sources, such as their reliability and the costs associated with their installation. Ultimately, renewable energy sources continue to offer an attractive, clean and sustainable way forward in the fight against climate change.

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